New XO Headquarters

New XO Headquarters

Update! This post is so old, that’s like 3 offices ago. Faboo! ___   There Goes The Neighborhood We’re excited to continue our growth as a full service agency in our new neighborhood, still centered in the creative technology hub of Portland, Oregon. We...
The Internet is Boring

The Internet is Boring

Same is a four letter word. There are now established design patterns that appear on nearly every digital experience. You can often see the wireframe through the design. In some ways that’s good: you want to leverage heuristics to make navigating frictionless and...
Be The Captain of Your Relationships

Be The Captain of Your Relationships

Be People People I recently had a client say something about partnering with agencies: “I want to work with people that I like, that are fun, that I trust, and aren’t a hassle.” While these seem like simple requests, he’s saying it’s rare to work with an agency where...